domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016



Select a picture. It can be taken from the internet, a magazine or it can be a photograph taken by you.
Write a good description of your photo:

 -Use expressions from the USEFUL LANGUAGE BOX on page 23 of your book.
 -Use adjectives and intensifiers to make your description more interesting.
 -Learn it by heart and be ready to talk about it for about 2-3 minutes.

 -Don’t forget to bring the photograph you’ve chosen in your USB stick so that you can show it while you are describing it.

You will be shown a photo and will be given a few minutes to look at it and think about it. Then, you will have to describe it to your teacher. (1 minute)

Have a look a these INTERESTING LINKS which might help you get ready for your exam:
- Link 1   - Link 2   -Link 3   -Link 4

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Thursday, 24th November (1º Bach. D)

Hello everybody!

Here are the key answers to the activities that we did or checked in class on Thursday, 24th November. They might be useful if you decided to join and strike and didn’t come to school that day.

1- Small photocopy: adjectives ending in  -ed/ -ing  (Click HERE)

2- Photocopy with more activities about: used to / would / get used to / be used to (Click HERE)

3- More examples of: ordinary and extreme adjective (Click HERE)

4- Consolidate: activities 15-16 on page 17 of your book. (Click HERE)