sábado, 11 de enero de 2014


A) If you think your level of English is low and you need to revise a lot about conditionals. You should click here and do all the activities. (*= si aún tienes problemas con los condicionales, este es un enlace al Blog de 4º ESO de la Profesora Pilar Castillejo - contiene un buen repaso gramatical)

Otherwise, (=de no ser así)
B) There are some good notes on CONDITIONALS in this power-point presentation.

C) Here you have some ACTIVITIES to practise:
 1- Zero, First, Second Conditionals:
    - Exercise 1
    - Exercise 2
    - Exercise 3
2- Third Conditional:
    - Exercise 1
    - Exercise 2
    - Exercise 3
3- First, Second and Third Conditionals
     - Multiple Choice
     - Gap filling
     - Gap filling 2
4- Rephrasing / Rewriting Click on the links on the left (Conditionals)
5- Games with CONDITIONALS
     Game 1.
     Game 2

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