sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014


1) Here are some notes on "REPORTED SPEECH".

2)  We have already done and check some activities both in your book and workbook. If you missed any lessons last week, you will need to work on your own and check the answers to these activities. We will comment on any doubts or problems you may have in class.
a)  ANSWERS TO PAGES 62 AND 64 of your BOOK.
b) ANSWERS TO PAGES 41,42 and 43 of your WORKBOOK.

3) Here you have some EXTRA-ACTIVITIES to practise with:
a)  Activity 1:  Say or Tell

b) Activity 2:  Reporting STATEMENTS (changing VERB TENSES)
c) Activity 3:  Reporting STATEMENTS (changing PRONOUNS / PLACE/ TIME)

d) Activity 4: Reporting QUESTIONS
e) Activity 5: Some more practice with QUESTIONS

f) Activity 6: Reporting COMMANDS, REQUESTS, ADVICE (affirmative)
g) Activity 7: Reporting COMMANDS, REQUESTS, ADVICE (negative)
h) Activity 8: Reporting COMMANDS, REQUESTS, ADVICE (mixed)

i) REPHRASING/ REWRITING. Click on the links on the left.

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