domingo, 29 de enero de 2017

ORAL EXAM. SECOND TERM. 1º Bachillerato B-C


Choose ONE of the following situations:
1   1.      An interview for a summer job as a babysitter for a wealthy family.
      Student A:  the interviewer (manager of an employment agency)
      Student B: candidate who is looking for the job

2   2.     An interview for a summer job as a Drama Coordinator on Summer Camp.
      Student A: the interviewer (Human Resources Manager, Beauchamp’s Summer Camp)
      Student B: candidate who is looking for the job

3.  An interview for a summer job as a Sports Instructor on Summer Camp.
      Student A: the interviewer (Human Resources Manager, Beauchamp’s Summer Camp)
       Student B: candidate who is looking for the job

4    4.   An interview for a summer job as a waiter/waitress at a restaurant.
     Student A: the interviewer (Human Resource Manager at the restaurant)
     Student B: candidate who is looking for the job

5     5.  An interview for a summer job as a lifeguard in a public swimming-pool.
     Student A: the interviewer  (manager of an employment agency))
     Student B: candidate who is looking for the job

6     6.   An interview for a summer job an assistant teacher of English in a summer school for primary        school children.
     Student A: the interviewer  (director of the summer school)
     Student B: candidate who is looking for the job

Now work with a partner. Write a good dialogue. Think of questions for the interview. 
Use the ideas below:
·         Current situation
·         Experience
·         Skills
·         Education

Decide who is going to be the interviewer and who is going to be the candidate. 
Learn your parts. Try to create your interview room.
Interviewer:  Greet the candidate and invite him / her to sit down. Then use the questions to
 interview the candidate.
Candidate: Answer the questions as fully as possible.

 Record your video and send it to your teacher by email or use a USB drive. 
Deadline:  10th March

Find some help in these LINKS.
 1- The most common interview questions. Click HERE.
 2- Video example:
      Example 1
      Example 2: Typical quesions
      Example 3: What you should / shouldn't do
      Example 4
      Example 5

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